Saturday, August 21 | 6-8:30 p.m. | Oconomowoc, WI
Beer & Brats at the Barn
Please join us for an evening of Beer & Brats at the Barn so we may share with you our mission and ways you can support Arise Milwaukee as it seeks to help people fall in love with Christ in the Catholic Church!
Registration is now closed, and no walk-ins will be accepted. See you at the barn!

Zea Family Party Barn
36310 S. Beach Rd
Oconomowoc, WI 53066
Event Details
Beer Tasting from Brewfinity in Oconomowoc
Brat* Fry Picnic Dinner
Includes Beer, Soda, Water & Dinner
$20 single | $35 couple
Dress | Casual for indoors & outdoors
Adults only (small babies are allowed)
Registration is now closed!
No walk-ins will be accepted.
For more information or to volunteer, please contact Brian Magliocco at brian@arisemke.org
*Hamburgers will also be available for those looking for a different meat option.