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Support Arise MKE



Over last year at Arise, we have seen much fruit of our labor in the form of enhanced encounters with Christ spanning over 17,000 hours collectively. Your support allows us to continue to create high-quality encounter events where people gather and meet Christ for the first – or the millionth – time!


We receive countless messages that show God has been working in our ministry, and now you have the opportunity to be a part of what God is doing through Arise. With your best offering or a recurring gift, we can continue the mission of inspiring our brothers and sisters to fall in love with Christ in the Catholic Church and the truth of who He is in the Holy Eucharist. 


Thanks to our generous supporters who believe in our mission and want to share the truth of Jesus with others, we are able to share the power of more Christ encounters with our community.


Whether you've been a monthly benefactor, a one-time donor, a Gala attendee, a dedicated volunteer or all of the above, your support is greatly appreciated.


You bring our mission to life.​





We exist to inspire people to fall in love with Christ in the Catholic Church. We strive to help people encounter Jesus in a personal way.

Our mission is only possible with the generous support of our donors, sponsors and volunteers. Your gift of any amount helps us bring Christ encounters to youth, communities and parishes across Southeastern Wisconsin and beyond.


Want to contribute to our mission in other ways? You can join us and make an impact by offering your time, talents and passion as a volunteer or Arise Ambassador. We also appreciate any prayers you can dedicate to us and our mission. We will graciously return the favor, simply submit your prayer intentions here, and our Prayer Team will dedicate time to pray for you and your intentions.


Comment, like and share our posts, events and website to help spread awareness of our efforts.


Attend our events like Arise Worship Night, Arise Family Adoration, Wisconsin Catholic Youth Rally, John Bosco Youth Day and more.  

Your assistance allows us to offer high-quality encounter events where people of all ages gather and encounter Christ for the first – or the millionth – time! 


This past year we offered our signature Arise Worship Nights and Wisconsin Catholic Youth Rally, our fourth Arise Family Day and revived our monthly program, Arise Family Adoration. By popular demand, we also continued reviving the ever-popular John Bosco Youth Day at Holy Hill, convening 500 participants.


This is why Arise Milwaukee exists – to offer unique opportunities for people to come and meet Christ!

"Thank you for the incredible time my family had at Holy Hill. During Reconciliation, (my son) Luke was placed face to face with a priest outside.  Afterward, Luke told me he saw Jesus in the priest's eyes.  Another encounter: Adoration. In the procession, the Monstrance was shown directly to Luke, who told me he was overcome with the Lord's presence. It is important that my children…have an opportunity to see the Holy Spirit in action.  Events (like these) have helped create a deeper foundation in my children as they grow… This world is a chaotic, crazy place, so to be reminded God is there, constant and true, is such a gift."

- Kristin S.

"That night in Adoration [at the Wisconsin Catholic Youth Rally], I encountered Jesus, and my life has never been the same. When they did the vocation call, I found myself walking to the front of the room even though I did not really understand what a vocation was. One thing I did know was that my life would never be the same." 

- Emily N.

“The way Arise Milwaukee is taking care of our youth and keeping the Lord’s spirit alive among the next generations by providing them with additional ways to draw closer to Christ is truly a wonderful endeavor.”

- Mary B.

​MAILING ADDRESS  | P.O. Box 433 |  Sussex, WI 53089

PHYSICAL ADDRESS  |  N56W24701 N. Corporate Circle  |  Sussex, WI 53089  

414-207-8214  ©2021 Arise Milwaukee. All Rights Reserved.

Website Created by Verso l’Alto Creative

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