St. John Paul II
Traveling Monstrance Campaign

Arise Milwaukee has been generously entrusted with the last Monstrance blessed by St. John Paul II, thanks to Terry Boldin and her late husband Dick of the Rosary Evangelization Apostolate. This Monstrance is consecrated specifically for those who are hosting Holy Hours to pray for vocations.
This Traveling Monstrance Campaign offers the opportunity for parishes, ministries and organizations to reserve this blessed relic to participate in the Eucharistic Revival and to host Holy Hours for Vocations.
To participate, please fill out the form below with the details of your organization and your event details. Once approved, you will be able to pick up the Monstrance from our location in Sussex.
Questions? Contact Sara, the Arise Administrative Assistant at contact@arisemke.org.

The monstrance was entrusted to Arise MKE by Terry Boldin in June, 2023. She and her late husband, Dick, ran the Rosary Evangelization Apostolate.
It was Dick's dream to provide access to a traveling monstrance that had been blessed by the Pope. In 2005 using an anonymous donation, he purchased the monstrance from an organization in Italy promoting Adoration for vocations. While the monstrance was in line to be blessed by Pope John Paul II, the pope's health declined and he died on April 2, 2005.
Dick and Terry assumed the new pope would bless the monstrance, but when the monstrance arrived at their home in Oak Creek they were delighted to find it was the last monstrance to be blessed by Pope John Paul II, now Saint John Paul II, on Easter Sunday, March 27, 2005.
When it arrived, Dick decided that they would not open the box until they could assemble “witnesses” from various organizations and a representative from the Archdiocese.
It was at least a week or more before the opening meeting could be set up – and there it stood in the Boldin's living room unopened. Each day they would walk by it and touch the box, knowing that this relic of Pope John Paul II was right there in front of them.
Dick and Terry Boldin and the Rosary Evangelization Apostolate (REA) ran a very successful monstrance traveling program, used many times throughout the Archdiocese and beyond, even being flown to Ohio in its own airplane seat, as well as in a Family Adoration program and many other Adoration and REA events.
The four evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are represented on the
Face of the Monstrance by their symbol, Angel for Saint Matthew, the Lion for Saint Mark, the Ox for Saint Luke and the Eagle for Saint John – and the passion is represented at the “knob” on the handle of the monstrance.