Our Story

Beginning of W.Y.R.E. MINISTRIES
In 2004, a group of youth ministers and trusted friends met to plan a dynamic youth retreat in Milwaukee. Two years later, the first Wisconsin Catholic Youth Rally for high schoolers was born. Six years later, a middle school version of the Rally began – one of very few offered around the country! (Then) Archbishop Timothy Dolan asked the group to operate under the Rosary Evangelization Apostolate and became the Wisconsin Youth Rosary Evangelization, or “W.Y.R.E. Ministries.”

In 2011, a group of young adults got together to plan an event of Eucharistic Adoration with praise and worship music called "Arise." The hope was to gather about 50 people. With Bishop Donald Hying presiding, 250+ people of all ages came and encountered Christ in a powerful way! It seemed like a good idea to plan another one, which snowballed into a full ministry providing multiple opportunities for people to encounter Christ through the sacramental life of the Church.
Arise Milwaukee was founded in July of 2017 when Arise Missions and W.Y.R.E. Ministries chose to merge in an effort to better serve the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.
Now, Arise Milwaukee seeks to serve the Archdiocese of Milwaukee as non-profit (501c3) Catholic ministry devoted to helping people encounter Jesus in a powerful way.