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A Message from our Executive Director

Arise Milwaukee

Hi Friends of Arise MKE!

Three and a half years ago I was blessed to be able to take over as Executive Director of Arise MKE. It certainly was a strange time when I came on, as we were in the heart of COVID-19. At the time we had no idea what was going to happen in our world, let alone when we’d be able to continue in-person events. However, we took a step in faith and were one of the first groups to bring back an in-person event by hosting “Hope Arising,” which was an outdoor night of worship and Adoration. We felt the Lord was calling us to bring people together when they so desperately needed it, and to give them hope and remind them of the great love of Jesus Christ.

Since that time, our team has worked hard to make sure that we are always providing authentic Catholic encounters with Christ by continuing our signature events, Arise Worship Night and the Wisconsin Catholic Youth Rally, while adding in events like John Bosco Youth Day, Arise Family Day and Arise Family Adoration, just to name a few. We truly are blessed!

I write today to share with you an important update. It’s not one that comes lightly as I have a huge place in my heart for Arise MKE and the mission we are called to live out. It’s with a heavy heart that I let you all know that I will be stepping down as Executive Director of Arise MKE at the end of the year on December 31, 2023. My role has continued to evolve, and as we continue to get busier at my full-time position at Captivate Exhibits, a tough decision had to be made. To be fair to Captivate and our team there, and also to all the people we serve through this ministry at Arise, I just simply cannot continue in the capacity that I have served at Arise MKE.

The Board of Directors, along with assistance from myself, will begin the search for a replacement part time Executive Director. Should you know of anyone that would be interested in this role, please have them submit their resume and cover letter to All the details, including a job description, can be found at

Finally, I’d be remiss if I didn’t take a moment to give a big shout out of THANKS to everyone who makes Arise MKE what it is today. First to our wonderful Arise MKE Staff, our A-Team. Thank you Barb, Francis and Mackenzie. You are all wonderful team members and friends, and it’s truly been an honor to serve alongside of you. Also, to our wonderful dedicated volunteers, event coordinators, planning team members, Bishop Haines, Fr. Enrique, Fr. Tim and Fr. Alex, thank you to each of you as well. These encounters are not possible without all of you. And of course to our benefactors and donors – we’d be nowhere without your generosity. Thank you for your support to make our events possible. And finally to our dedicated Board of Directors, both past and present. You bring strong leadership and business acumen to our ministry, and for that I’m thankful.

Once my time is over as Executive Director, I will continue to serve in my role of Conference Director for the Wisconsin Catholic Youth Rally, as well as assisting with our other events as time allows. Thank you again for all you have done for me and the ministry of Arise MKE. Please continue to serve and support this ministry and the Church. We need you! May God bless you all!

In Christ,

Brian Magliocco

Executive Director, Arise MKE



​MAILING ADDRESS  | P.O. Box 433 |  Sussex, WI 53089

PHYSICAL ADDRESS  |  N56W24701 N. Corporate Circle  |  Sussex, WI 53089  

414-207-8214  ©2021 Arise Milwaukee. All Rights Reserved.

Website Created by Verso l’Alto Creative

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